Thursday, December 8, 2011

space occupying lesion

First of all, i am supposed to be on mc today but i woke up with epistaxis............annoying............took me half an hour to stop it...tried stupid traditional methods like sticking a spoon done my spine.............don even remember where that came from.......

anyway..i stopped i decided..since i am up early..i might as well get some work done and go to the bank.....then i realise........gosh.....half of my cp1 is missing...oh no..........then i remember passing them over to boss...........haha...lucky its on her table..........

settled some things at the bank.......and then i realise................oopss.....spent too much money on credit card bills last month.........and i bet this month's bill going to be increased too........cuz..........its Christmas!!!xmas shopping time..........i love giving out gifts during xmas and pretending to be mrs Aus, i always wanted to wear one of the mrs.claus bikini's..hehehe

well, got to hbm arnd lunch time.......then...........i had another episode of migraine only occured once a i seem to get them at least once a week............the worst part is the assoc nausea and vomitting............everyone thinks i have a positive UPT............its positively annoying......

guess i cant ignore my problem.............made an apptment with MOPD next year...hope to get some answers............and i hope its nothing to do with space occupying lesions as suggested by my pal.........Dr. Khor...hehehe..i like calling u that............

i wanted to go to record office to clerk some case but i thought better of it and went home for a nap.......viola........after more unilateral throbbing of the i went out to pasar malam.....something i havent done for a very long time............

food is is good...i end this blog entry hoping that what is happening to me isnt malignant....even if it is...all i hope for is another chance to find true love before i leave this world.........

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