Friday, September 30, 2011

almost post TDM blues

Oh gosh...i have been at tdm for almost a month..i cant believe seemed like just yesterday i wrote the pre tdm blues

times does fly. Rereading my previous post brought tears to my eyes. last month, i thought i lost my friend Serena. Today, i lost another friend. i do seem to have the habit of losing friends. Serena says its due to my spontaneus innocent nature that brought me to act in a way that sometimes though my intentions are good, may hurt or harm others. well, if i do look back, perhaps it is true. perhaps i should tone down the "friendliness" in me that seems to bring me endless trouble whereever i go. Its a thought, thanks Serena my friend, for being there when i needed a friend the most.

After a week of sickness and nausea, it brings back memories of six years ago when the similar thing happened to me. It seems that i might have missed the fact that the waves of sickness i experience do seem to coincide with the same dates on the same year each year. is it my guilty conscious speaking due to grief of my loss? 6 years ago, i lost someone that could have meant a lot to me. I was only 18 but i understood the true meaning of losing someone you really loved. One would claim that what i am suffering from is a UTI or even more ridiculous, a positive UPT but i suppose no one, even the most professional in the field could tell me what is wrong, i suppose its all in the end just a guess

anyway, i feel better after a long long sleep the whole afternoon. and the fact that Zelia replied my sms-ses, reminding me that i still have a friend in HSJ. Thanks Zelia, you really made my day a lot better, i cant wait to go out with you and meet your friends tomorrow night.

Now, it is the time for me to battle with insomnia again, or perhaps, i should just swallow those tablets and sleep better with it, with hopes that my last day at HSJ would not be as horrible as my last few.

"Gone yet not forgetten,
although we are apart,
your spirit lives within me,
forever in my heart."

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart. *Helen Keller*

"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth.
Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth". 

"What we have once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us." Helen Keller

"To Remember Is Painful
To Forget Is Impossible."
~Maureen Connelly

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