Dear Guardian angel,
Please protect him to pass his exams.BLABLABLABLABLABLA.and also protect him to be HAPPY in ALL issues of life.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Mini meltdown
great day after a 7 hour (back-to-back) lecture(skipped some lectures to have meltdown)-listened to Teacher Chai's for one hour lectures.
met up with hw(thanks) and thanks.
sorry and sorry for making whoever scared.
thanks for the flowers jo mommy.
Muakks muakks to everyone.
met up with hw(thanks) and thanks.
sorry and sorry for making whoever scared.
thanks for the flowers jo mommy.
Muakks muakks to everyone.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Laughter is the best medicine
Further proof that the long term implications of drugs / procedures must be fully considered:
Premise: Over the past few years, more money has been spent on breast implants and Viagra than on Alzheimer's.
Conclusion: In a few years, we will have a lot of people running around with huge breasts and erections who cannot remember what to do with them.
Monday, July 21, 2008
First day at uni
Great day.
Woke up late. 10 mins late for my first class. din screw up my prac too bad. interacted with a bunch of people. got some updates from friends. meet up with the gang of 7 sisters.
yea..was really cool first day but tiring. Now got dysphagia due to prostaglandins from COX-2 released.
For non-medscience people who wants to know what some terms in my blog mean please comment. i'm doing highly technical jargon here as a revenge towards the academia people for preventing us from doing it in assignments. I'm evil. Great. Now i feel like a Jack (i'm not trying to use the term jack ass i'm refering to an old acquaintance)
Woke up late. 10 mins late for my first class. din screw up my prac too bad. interacted with a bunch of people. got some updates from friends. meet up with the gang of 7 sisters.
yea..was really cool first day but tiring. Now got dysphagia due to prostaglandins from COX-2 released.
For non-medscience people who wants to know what some terms in my blog mean please comment. i'm doing highly technical jargon here as a revenge towards the academia people for preventing us from doing it in assignments. I'm evil. Great. Now i feel like a Jack (i'm not trying to use the term jack ass i'm refering to an old acquaintance)
Protocols and standards
Protocols and standards are really important stuff...everyday in your life you have standards and protocols...violating one can cause dire circumstances
i violated a standard operating procedure of doing laundry a few days ago
i accidentally left an item (light coloured) price RM30 with a newly purchased dark red skirt price AUD 10 and in gain of saving the 3 seconds it would have taken to pick it up i wasted 2 days trying to save the ITEM from being destroyed. I tried bleaching which made my hand smell like chlorine for few hours?the smell stains like coffee i found. Yuck. It was also pretty corrosive i think (my nocireceptors are stimulated). The result hah..i would show a pic here but it will cross the line of good morale (according to wife's standards) which i should simulate.
definition of accident: saw the item in the last min and decided not to pick it up cuz i'm lazy
comment if u wanna personally know what the item is. I really don mind telling
i violated a standard operating procedure of doing laundry a few days ago
i accidentally left an item (light coloured) price RM30 with a newly purchased dark red skirt price AUD 10 and in gain of saving the 3 seconds it would have taken to pick it up i wasted 2 days trying to save the ITEM from being destroyed. I tried bleaching which made my hand smell like chlorine for few hours?the smell stains like coffee i found. Yuck. It was also pretty corrosive i think (my nocireceptors are stimulated). The result hah..i would show a pic here but it will cross the line of good morale (according to wife's standards) which i should simulate.
definition of accident: saw the item in the last min and decided not to pick it up cuz i'm lazy
comment if u wanna personally know what the item is. I really don mind telling
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Pizza day
Yesterday was pizza day and it was really cool!!!We bought the ingredients and made things from scratch.

Received unexpected late bday gift. A nice little dolphin necklace from seaworld!!!!!!!from lisuan and minshan..thanks guys...and a few days before i got a red scarf from chelfi from adelaide...also for my late bday..din take pic though...sighs..anyways..thanks dearest for giving me these gifts...
Received unexpected late bday gift. A nice little dolphin necklace from seaworld!!!!!!!from lisuan and minshan..thanks guys...and a few days before i got a red scarf from chelfi from adelaide...also for my late bday..din take pic though...sighs..anyways..thanks dearest for giving me these gifts...
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Winter in Tasmania
Time:after first sem exams

These are complimentary!!already 2 people asked why i "stole" them from the plane..sighs

Okay, this one is a real souvenir because i fell during the walk around dove lake in cradle mountain.
However, the souvenir that i treasure the most is

The friendships i made through this trip will forever be treasured and remembered. Thank you everyone. You've made my winter a memorable one.
The gang:Me, cy,ls,ms,jh,wh,el, june, jess, kimber,Alisha,nai.(pf joined francis and hsiu li after the second day)
Day 1
The trip started out pretty smoothly with us cleaning up the fridge(aka finishing or disposing of fresh food) then kev came over and he was shocked with the SIZE of my check in luggage. They wanted me to unpack and I was pretty reluctant cuz I had everything packed in there so I went along anyway. The guys arrived punctually at our place and we were there early. REAL early. We delegated jobs of looking after the luggage to the boys and went off looking around the airport. Hehe..i restricted myself from buying pizza and chips…kekekekekeke……but during the 3 hour flight I couldn’t resist a 10AUD meal of water, chips and egg and mayo sandwich. The flight was kinda boring but I slept part of the way and ate part of the way so was quite cool.
We safely arrived to Hobart International airport by 9pm I think and went for baggage collection….here sth went wrong..kimber and alisha’s luggage went missing…ouch….we filed for loss of luggage…and it took a long time L but we finally made it back to nai’s place at utas. A pretty bad squeeze into the tarago though…
Hobart is beautiful…so is nai’s room…he had a good view from his of the city and it was really nice…we were all tired that time so we were all taken to dinner and woolies(since the girls needed to buy stuff that they want to use)The casino was quite pretty and they giv free coffee too :D cool……..i even applied for the card cuz we got 10% discount for all the food…heehe
Then we went back home and with all the travelling I got a headache..while the gang discussed our next journey…I went to bathe and slept early..sleeping proved to be an experience as well because as I lay awake I hear lots of sounds of the wind blowing outside….
Day 2
We woke up early and went to rent a car. Had difficulty choosing btw a lancer and camry…well…after all the discussion we decided on the lancer but in the end had to get one of each…haha..and I had my first experience driving in taz roads…and I was driving the camry..pretty cool….zoodoo was the first destination with a pretty painful adventure for me….started out well with animal petting and stuff but got a bit aggressive when a huge kangaroo decided to put a hole into my right arm…grrrrrr….oh ya…….and the camels almost bit my right middle finger off!!!!!!!!but the later part was cool where the truck took us around and had us feed the emus and the ostriches and the camels(if I know they were gonna feed them I wouldn’t hav gone near them)
Then, off we went heading to “goodness knows where” and when we were stopped and told that there was change of plans and we are going to port Arthur instead….along the way we had lunch where the produce the world’s best oysters…or so it claims I wouldn’t know cuz I refused to have any. I had fish instead..costs me 30AUD and it pretty good and full…then we went to port Arthur…it was a real long drive…lucky for me it was jh driving…

Bummer…the last boat cruise left at 3pm…we are too late….sighs….decided to go to the remarkable cave instead and it was quite nice….Took crazy pics then it was time to head back to Hobart…..And I drove!!!!!!!!!!yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!was pretty cool….

Day 3
We started on our road trip towards freycinet and plans changed again……….francis decided not to join us so in the end we had to change the lancer to the tarago….gosh……… the boys drove the 8 seater and me and ls are responsible for the camry. We visited mount wellington first and guess wat?Its SNOWING!!Its the first time my life i see snow. We had fun building snowman and making snowballs to throw at one another. Cool. The drive down the mountain was quite challenging though because then it started snowing very very heavily. Well, i made it =p

We arrive at freycinet at the blowhole after dark…then checked in at cosy cabins and went off to watch penguins….really cool………we din actually see the penguins but we heard them…and the was so so so starry…………………………it was really beautiful…………reminds me of the time I was in Maldives and I was on the boat at night……..the stars were so beautiful……
The night in freycinet was good…slept pretty well……
Day 4
We visited wineglass bay wanted to see sunrise but…sighs…………din make it cuz went the wrong way……….then we had a wineglass bay climb……….it was supposed to be a 20mins climb BUT everyone took 2 hours plus because of ME(the big fat unfit pig)…the climb was horrible but the view’s pretty good………..i guess………Here I’d like to express gratitude to wai hong for carrying my bag and jacket for me otherwise I wouldn’t have made the climb………

After wineglass bay, we went to two supposedly very beautiful bays, bilanong bay and bay of fire……each bay was nice……….but I personally prefer bilanong to bay of fire……..mainly because the drive up to the bay of fire was so long and winding and got me cranky but that it wasn’t really that AMAZING compared to bilanong that made me think they weren’t quite so special as advertised. But, some crazy girls tried to take some jumping pics and those pics actually looked good so I guess its worth the travel and all….

Then we went off to Launceston for food supplies……had a debate about walks with cy and the others..i just told them I don wanna go if they wanna go for long and steep walks because I feel that I’ll just be other’s burden…din want today’s tragedy to reoccur…before heading towards Launcheston and up Cradle mountain. The drive up cradle mountain was really AMAZING and it really opened up my eyes. Haha…literally and figuratively too. First thing was that it was already dark at that about 6pm. The second thing was wild animals keep running in and out of the roads in front of us so there were sudden breaks. I think by that time everyone is already tired and hungry and cranky too…………..The car in front of us had a SUPER driver who drived the whole day but also finally gave up and switched driver….hehe…that was a relief for me cuz I was close to a nervous breakdown with all the twisting and turning and all…..
I was so RELIEVED when we finally arrived in COSY CABINs cradle mountain…I tot all our troubles are over but sighs…we got lost inside the cosy cabin area TOO!!!arrrgggggghhhhhh…at this point of time I was like….grrrrrrrrrrrrrr…luckily we had two very CAPABLE young man who managed to get things under control and get us back to the registration area of the cabin to start over….hehehe……finally we reached the cabin…I went off to bathe and sleep straightaway….
Day 5
Morning was pretty cold and I was so damn lazy to wake up….especially if its for a WALK……..however…I went along to the info center to see if there is something else that I could do…..
Apparently….there was no other activities that suit me and they decided to go for a 6km hike-walk at dove lake and good ms yien MADE me to come along. Can’t say that the view is not good…it was wonderful…but I was feeling a bit cranky I guess for I wanted to go back to the cabin and sleep….so what I did was walked as fast as possible…..

The first part of the journey was ok…mainly just flats with some stairs…..oh ya….the ballroom forest was quite pretty……...i still can cope with most of it but the second part was kinda…well…a bit more challenging (a little hill-was the description in the brochure but to me seemed like a mountain). Luckily someone held my hand throughout the hard climb and I made it……….haha… again I had to thank wai hong for offering to carry my bag AGAIN……….
I was already feeling tired of the WALK at this time an anxious to get home so I walked faster and joined mr super driver and wai hong at the front…the road in front us was pretty slippery with rocks and water and stuff…luckily….wai hong took charge FOR ONCE and got me walking between him and mr super driver…………however….i was just too clumsy I think…I fell and grazed my knee…..both boys rushed over to see if I was alright and one even helped me to put a little bandage on………….
All that over…I was anxious to get back to the carpark as I was also experiencing the need to use the restroom…………so I walked even faster and left the rest behind…….the rest of the journey was fine I think…with a nice looking but …hmmm..old and rundown shack…..couldnt take pics as my cam was with ms yien…..basically…all my other belongings are on waihong and the rest but I didn’t care cuz I was already sick of the walk….
Then..we went back to the info centre and tried to find out wat to do…also there was a secret celebration for june’s bday and BBQ that they planned………..At that point I was so tired that all I wanted to do was sleep……………so I told ls to bring me back to the cabin………….which she did and I slept til it was time for dinner
Dinner was cool…………they made lots of stuff……….and we at wonderfully…in the middle of it…some uninvited guests came along…haha..won elaborate much on that

The evening ended with us watching resident evil…hehe…was pretty gross……….yucks………….
Day 6
The next day we went towards Launceston – Hobart ……and tasmazia… lost but finally got there……….and I think the only way I could describe it is a place in the Promised land, down the road to Nowhere else, across the Way from Paradise, via Devil’s gate. And I’m not kidding…along the way there are places called Nowhere else, Paradise and Devil’s gate……..there are sign boards and if you look in the map of Tasmania…you’ll find that what I say is true…it is also the largest maze in the world…………and I think I had the most memorable time there……………cool……………and the only way I can describe it is I guess through pictures…………

After tasmazia…we had a great time with picnic lunches that consisted of yesterday’s leftovers…………….then…we are on our way to Launceston-hobart. We visited the gorge in Launceston…kinda cool………
Then we had dinner at of the chinese restaurants……….At the dinner we met a nice chinese-malaysian waitress……….junhong thought she is Brunei-an….eeeeeeeekkkkkk….wrong……………..
Then on the way back we took the wrong turn and went on a twist and turn ride an ended up in a really cold mountain……………luckily I wasn’t driving or I would have cracked!!!!!!!my hats off to ls for being really patient while we keep on going the wrong way until the end…we reached 4-5 dead ends in one night!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day 7
Today started with a cool walk and pics along the uni..and then a lovely walk in Port Arthur…………and then………….a surprise visit to Andre’s house as it was his birthday…………..

My last day in tassie….kinda melancholic…din sleep well too… regret not being able to meet Vina and Aggie but unexpected meeting with Andre and Conney was fun………….
Day 8
We started on our journey home. At 9 am we were sent off to the airport by mr super driver(who insisted to see us off though we told him not to). We were late (as usual) and had to rush. Luckily ls is driving cuz I din really sleep that well that night………
We safely checked in and boarded the plane. During the transit in melb I couldn’t help calling zhi han and ys to announce my arrival in melb and subsequently telling them my departure is 10 mins later. Here I have to thank Junhong for offering to carry my bag…hehe…
After transit in melb we arrived good time in gold coast airport and started our bus-bus-train-train-taxi trip home…yea…we decided to take taxi from toowong…haha…bag too big and no junhong to help me carry punya masalah.
I had many gifts throughout this trip which I’ll show u guys in a series of pics. Very memorable
The gang:Me, cy,ls,ms,jh,wh,el, june, jess, kimber,Alisha,nai.(pf joined francis and hsiu li after the second day)
Day 1
The trip started out pretty smoothly with us cleaning up the fridge(aka finishing or disposing of fresh food) then kev came over and he was shocked with the SIZE of my check in luggage. They wanted me to unpack and I was pretty reluctant cuz I had everything packed in there so I went along anyway. The guys arrived punctually at our place and we were there early. REAL early. We delegated jobs of looking after the luggage to the boys and went off looking around the airport. Hehe..i restricted myself from buying pizza and chips…kekekekekeke……but during the 3 hour flight I couldn’t resist a 10AUD meal of water, chips and egg and mayo sandwich. The flight was kinda boring but I slept part of the way and ate part of the way so was quite cool.
We safely arrived to Hobart International airport by 9pm I think and went for baggage collection….here sth went wrong..kimber and alisha’s luggage went missing…ouch….we filed for loss of luggage…and it took a long time L but we finally made it back to nai’s place at utas. A pretty bad squeeze into the tarago though…
Hobart is beautiful…so is nai’s room…he had a good view from his of the city and it was really nice…we were all tired that time so we were all taken to dinner and woolies(since the girls needed to buy stuff that they want to use)The casino was quite pretty and they giv free coffee too :D cool……..i even applied for the card cuz we got 10% discount for all the food…heehe
Then we went back home and with all the travelling I got a headache..while the gang discussed our next journey…I went to bathe and slept early..sleeping proved to be an experience as well because as I lay awake I hear lots of sounds of the wind blowing outside….
Day 2
We woke up early and went to rent a car. Had difficulty choosing btw a lancer and camry…well…after all the discussion we decided on the lancer but in the end had to get one of each…haha..and I had my first experience driving in taz roads…and I was driving the camry..pretty cool….zoodoo was the first destination with a pretty painful adventure for me….started out well with animal petting and stuff but got a bit aggressive when a huge kangaroo decided to put a hole into my right arm…grrrrrr….oh ya…….and the camels almost bit my right middle finger off!!!!!!!!but the later part was cool where the truck took us around and had us feed the emus and the ostriches and the camels(if I know they were gonna feed them I wouldn’t hav gone near them)
Then, off we went heading to “goodness knows where” and when we were stopped and told that there was change of plans and we are going to port Arthur instead….along the way we had lunch where the produce the world’s best oysters…or so it claims I wouldn’t know cuz I refused to have any. I had fish instead..costs me 30AUD and it pretty good and full…then we went to port Arthur…it was a real long drive…lucky for me it was jh driving…
Bummer…the last boat cruise left at 3pm…we are too late….sighs….decided to go to the remarkable cave instead and it was quite nice….Took crazy pics then it was time to head back to Hobart…..And I drove!!!!!!!!!!yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!was pretty cool….
Day 3
We started on our road trip towards freycinet and plans changed again……….francis decided not to join us so in the end we had to change the lancer to the tarago….gosh……… the boys drove the 8 seater and me and ls are responsible for the camry. We visited mount wellington first and guess wat?Its SNOWING!!Its the first time my life i see snow. We had fun building snowman and making snowballs to throw at one another. Cool. The drive down the mountain was quite challenging though because then it started snowing very very heavily. Well, i made it =p
We arrive at freycinet at the blowhole after dark…then checked in at cosy cabins and went off to watch penguins….really cool………we din actually see the penguins but we heard them…and the was so so so starry…………………………it was really beautiful…………reminds me of the time I was in Maldives and I was on the boat at night……..the stars were so beautiful……
The night in freycinet was good…slept pretty well……
Day 4
We visited wineglass bay wanted to see sunrise but…sighs…………din make it cuz went the wrong way……….then we had a wineglass bay climb……….it was supposed to be a 20mins climb BUT everyone took 2 hours plus because of ME(the big fat unfit pig)…the climb was horrible but the view’s pretty good………..i guess………Here I’d like to express gratitude to wai hong for carrying my bag and jacket for me otherwise I wouldn’t have made the climb………
After wineglass bay, we went to two supposedly very beautiful bays, bilanong bay and bay of fire……each bay was nice……….but I personally prefer bilanong to bay of fire……..mainly because the drive up to the bay of fire was so long and winding and got me cranky but that it wasn’t really that AMAZING compared to bilanong that made me think they weren’t quite so special as advertised. But, some crazy girls tried to take some jumping pics and those pics actually looked good so I guess its worth the travel and all….
Then we went off to Launceston for food supplies……had a debate about walks with cy and the others..i just told them I don wanna go if they wanna go for long and steep walks because I feel that I’ll just be other’s burden…din want today’s tragedy to reoccur…before heading towards Launcheston and up Cradle mountain. The drive up cradle mountain was really AMAZING and it really opened up my eyes. Haha…literally and figuratively too. First thing was that it was already dark at that about 6pm. The second thing was wild animals keep running in and out of the roads in front of us so there were sudden breaks. I think by that time everyone is already tired and hungry and cranky too…………..The car in front of us had a SUPER driver who drived the whole day but also finally gave up and switched driver….hehe…that was a relief for me cuz I was close to a nervous breakdown with all the twisting and turning and all…..
I was so RELIEVED when we finally arrived in COSY CABINs cradle mountain…I tot all our troubles are over but sighs…we got lost inside the cosy cabin area TOO!!!arrrgggggghhhhhh…at this point of time I was like….grrrrrrrrrrrrrr…luckily we had two very CAPABLE young man who managed to get things under control and get us back to the registration area of the cabin to start over….hehehe……finally we reached the cabin…I went off to bathe and sleep straightaway….
Day 5
Morning was pretty cold and I was so damn lazy to wake up….especially if its for a WALK……..however…I went along to the info center to see if there is something else that I could do…..
Apparently….there was no other activities that suit me and they decided to go for a 6km hike-walk at dove lake and good ms yien MADE me to come along. Can’t say that the view is not good…it was wonderful…but I was feeling a bit cranky I guess for I wanted to go back to the cabin and sleep….so what I did was walked as fast as possible…..
The first part of the journey was ok…mainly just flats with some stairs…..oh ya….the ballroom forest was quite pretty……...i still can cope with most of it but the second part was kinda…well…a bit more challenging (a little hill-was the description in the brochure but to me seemed like a mountain). Luckily someone held my hand throughout the hard climb and I made it……….haha… again I had to thank wai hong for offering to carry my bag AGAIN……….
I was already feeling tired of the WALK at this time an anxious to get home so I walked faster and joined mr super driver and wai hong at the front…the road in front us was pretty slippery with rocks and water and stuff…luckily….wai hong took charge FOR ONCE and got me walking between him and mr super driver…………however….i was just too clumsy I think…I fell and grazed my knee…..both boys rushed over to see if I was alright and one even helped me to put a little bandage on………….
All that over…I was anxious to get back to the carpark as I was also experiencing the need to use the restroom…………so I walked even faster and left the rest behind…….the rest of the journey was fine I think…with a nice looking but …hmmm..old and rundown shack…..couldnt take pics as my cam was with ms yien…..basically…all my other belongings are on waihong and the rest but I didn’t care cuz I was already sick of the walk….
Then..we went back to the info centre and tried to find out wat to do…also there was a secret celebration for june’s bday and BBQ that they planned………..At that point I was so tired that all I wanted to do was sleep……………so I told ls to bring me back to the cabin………….which she did and I slept til it was time for dinner
Dinner was cool…………they made lots of stuff……….and we at wonderfully…in the middle of it…some uninvited guests came along…haha..won elaborate much on that
The evening ended with us watching resident evil…hehe…was pretty gross……….yucks………….
Day 6
The next day we went towards Launceston – Hobart ……and tasmazia… lost but finally got there……….and I think the only way I could describe it is a place in the Promised land, down the road to Nowhere else, across the Way from Paradise, via Devil’s gate. And I’m not kidding…along the way there are places called Nowhere else, Paradise and Devil’s gate……..there are sign boards and if you look in the map of Tasmania…you’ll find that what I say is true…it is also the largest maze in the world…………and I think I had the most memorable time there……………cool……………and the only way I can describe it is I guess through pictures…………
After tasmazia…we had a great time with picnic lunches that consisted of yesterday’s leftovers…………….then…we are on our way to Launceston-hobart. We visited the gorge in Launceston…kinda cool………
Then we had dinner at of the chinese restaurants……….At the dinner we met a nice chinese-malaysian waitress……….junhong thought she is Brunei-an….eeeeeeeekkkkkk….wrong……………..
Then on the way back we took the wrong turn and went on a twist and turn ride an ended up in a really cold mountain……………luckily I wasn’t driving or I would have cracked!!!!!!!my hats off to ls for being really patient while we keep on going the wrong way until the end…we reached 4-5 dead ends in one night!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day 7
Today started with a cool walk and pics along the uni..and then a lovely walk in Port Arthur…………and then………….a surprise visit to Andre’s house as it was his birthday…………..
My last day in tassie….kinda melancholic…din sleep well too… regret not being able to meet Vina and Aggie but unexpected meeting with Andre and Conney was fun………….
Day 8
We started on our journey home. At 9 am we were sent off to the airport by mr super driver(who insisted to see us off though we told him not to). We were late (as usual) and had to rush. Luckily ls is driving cuz I din really sleep that well that night………
We safely checked in and boarded the plane. During the transit in melb I couldn’t help calling zhi han and ys to announce my arrival in melb and subsequently telling them my departure is 10 mins later. Here I have to thank Junhong for offering to carry my bag…hehe…
After transit in melb we arrived good time in gold coast airport and started our bus-bus-train-train-taxi trip home…yea…we decided to take taxi from toowong…haha…bag too big and no junhong to help me carry punya masalah.
I had many gifts throughout this trip which I’ll show u guys in a series of pics. Very memorable
These are complimentary!!already 2 people asked why i "stole" them from the plane..sighs
Okay, this one is a real souvenir because i fell during the walk around dove lake in cradle mountain.
However, the souvenir that i treasure the most is
The friendships i made through this trip will forever be treasured and remembered. Thank you everyone. You've made my winter a memorable one.
First post
This is a sad night because i'm worried about a good friend of mine. Thus i'm dedicating this post to this person hoping that everything will be well for him/her soon.
Life is full of joy and sorrow,
I have experienced both,
Though more of the latter than former,
I'm glad that it is so,
As sorrow is a good friend,
Though silent,
Taught me lots; lessons she brought forever invaluable
I haven't tried writing a poem for a long time. This poem i dedicate to this good friend of mine and to the birth of my new baby; this blog. Hope that most posts here would be more of joy than of sorrow in the future.
Life is full of joy and sorrow,
I have experienced both,
Though more of the latter than former,
I'm glad that it is so,
As sorrow is a good friend,
Though silent,
Taught me lots; lessons she brought forever invaluable
I haven't tried writing a poem for a long time. This poem i dedicate to this good friend of mine and to the birth of my new baby; this blog. Hope that most posts here would be more of joy than of sorrow in the future.
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